On the Prowl

Friday, June 20, 2008

Don't Mess with these Young Ladies~~~~

Well go to it Kids.

Now and then there is a story or two that really just tickles me to no end.

I came across these two stories on I think Fox News.

The first story is about some dirt bag robbing a Lemonade stand.

Seems some dirt bag tried to rob a kiddie Lemonade stand of its money, all of $17.50, well the owner of said stand, a 12 year old girl was not going to stand for it and ran after the guy, yelling all the way.

Now he (the dirt bag) ran into a house to hide and she called the cops on her cell phone. Now granted it was $17.50 but it’s the principle of the thing. Dirt Bag was arrested by the cops for felony robbery and is held on $5,000 bail. Well turkey butt was it worth it?

But the 12 year old’s parents are standing guard at her lemonade stand, make sure no more dirt bags try to rip her off again. Although I think when she grows up she is going to be one tough business cookie.

The other story is that some pervert tried to kidnap a young girl right off a playground, he told her to get in his car and she yelled “NO” and took the pervs picture with the cell phone camera she had and then ran away to safety. She got a good picture of him too.

It didn’t take long for the cops to round the guy up and charge him seeing as how the young lady with her parents help was able to give the cops a really good picture of him. Now that is what I call good cell phone usage by both young tough minded young ladies.

And take two scum bags off the streets.

Good Work Young Ladies---Teach the rest how it’s done!!!

Or as I say when I watch “Cops” ‘Loose the Hounds!!!’