Well Folks,
I've been focusing on "Sweet Thoughts", "Sweet Memories" and I don't mean candy either.
I've been thinking of all the old fashioned stuff we use to do for Christmas and the Holidays, all the old decorations, ornaments, lights, movies, fun stuff.
It's all changed, got too modern for me somehow. They say that your Senior years are your "Golden Years" ----well Bull pucky----your Golden years are your child hood years, when things were simple, and brighter and maybe cleaner---unless you come from the Ghetto or an abusive family or live "in the hood" with drive by shootings.
Some one asked me if I could live my life over again where would I start and I said "When I was 4 years old, but if I could retain my current knowledge". Now why so far back, because I want to relive all the Christmas's that I had with my family and Grandparents and Aunts, Uncles, Cousins---getting a 26 inch bike when I was only 5 years old and too small to ride it and had to wait until my legs were long enough---It was a coaster bike too---loved that bike.
When some Saturday evening Mom was too tired to cook, Dad would say, "Hey just order Lola's Chicken dinner" I tell you that chicken dinner from Lola's was better than Kentucky Fried or anything you'd get in a Super Market Deli---Mom would call on the old 'western electric' dial up phone, wait 15 minutes while I got out my bike, then she'd give me canvas tote bag, because the order was always bigger than my bike basket, and an envelope with money in it and our name. I'd bicycle the 4 blocks over to the diner which was in the lower half of a Victorian apartment house, and go to the back door where people would pick up the orders to go.
Oh that smell of fresh cooked chicken, 4 ladies operated the place, 2 African American and 2 white ladies, both mother and daughter teams. I'd get that chicken steaming hot in their special bags and the lady would put it into my canvas bag, then I'd pedal home as fast as I could while it was hot.
Go up the drive way, through the back gate, run the chicken through the back porch door to the kitchen, Mom would portion out the food while I locked up my blue and white coaster bike in the garage. Then run in for dinner.
That was livin' --- that was life---- that was fun!
Problem now a days kids don't know what life and fun is all about.
And now here it is Christmas----I avoid the stores and it's commercialism, just look for those things I need to get like for ornament exchange or Christmas cards. I enjoy the smell of the Christmas trees and indulge in a Pumpkin Spice Latte, I look over holiday baking desserts like Ginger bread loaf cake.
And in my old age of 60 plus years I keep looking and finding the fun.
If you have a chance read my two blogs on "Yes, Virginia There is a Santa Claus"
I read it at least once a year old Church's reply and even today it still makes sense.
Santa lives as long as there is love, generosity, compassion and good will to all.
Merry Christmas to all----And a very Bright New Year.
Mean Kitty signing off looking for a Pumpkin Spice Latte.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
End of the Year Thoughts~~~
There is a Santa Claus",