And I'm not talkin' mentally Folks!
I have come down with something that acts like the cold, acts like the flue and gives you one hell of a sore throat. Am seeing my Doc today. But Dang!! the older I get the harder it is to stay well.
Now just a quick up date on yours truly.
I've been busy, work, home, work, home, work, home well you get the picture.
So much to do and not enough time to do it in.
My evil dog Ginger, has doggie dementia, well she is 15 years old, at least she remembers to eat and drink, even if she can't find her way out to do 1's and 2's, but we put up with it.
Have told my Hunka Burnin' Love that as much as we love dogs, we need to take a break after Evil dog passes on. We've got a few repairs that need to be done, and other things.
Now unless the right dog comes along, and its a situation that well you know.... that's different but I sincerely hope it's not for a while.
I've got junk that needs to be got rid of...donated, sold, given away or what ever, but being so cold and gettin' sick was not on our agenda, so we've got to start at the beginning.
We've made progress, but I really, Really want to get our stuff out of the storage unit, waste of money that.
And I'm going to be putting the paperwork together for my Tax preparer, I just hope I don't have to pay anything. Usually I don't have to.
Then I've got to do the paperwork for My Burnin' Love's Medical stuff. Just Looove that (she says snarkly).
I've been too sick to enjoy the sunny weather we've been having and now when I can finally get around they are predicting rain---don't that just beat all. Well can't do much more.
Gotta go, see the Doc, wish me well.
Mean Kitty out.