Whooooo Weeeeee Has it been that long since I was last here???
Man a live I HAVE been busy.
Holidays and work and everything. Where do I start.
Well first off me and my Hunka Burnin' Love we're doing fine, he got me a dozen red roses for Valintines Day, and a Symphonie Milk Chocolate Candy bar. Well if he can't afford See's he can get me a Symphony. He's a romantic in his own way.
Work is just burnin' me up. Too much to do, not enough time to do it in. And the cut backs that we might be facing.
Well next month I'll be turning 65, Yup! The big 6---5, and I'll have to be makin' some decisions. Like when do I want to retire---oh I'm seriously thinking about it.
I've already registered for Medicare, got to , it's the law. But I need to make a few appointments and talk to a few people before I'se decide on when I retire. I'm thinking the end of December this year. But if where I work starts doing some stupid things, it maybe sooner.
But I've got to line up my ducks so to speak.
There's more but right now my romantic Man wants to take me to City ARms and check out the guns---nothing speaks love than chosing a nice gun. (Big Grin)
HUGS and LOVE to them that knows me. And Hugs to those that don't.
Mean Kitty will talk to ya later.