So if you don't like what I say--that's just too bad (as I stick my tongue out at you).
Well let me modify that a bit. There are some things I think are O.K. like coffee and donuts and the NRA.
I've lived too long and I'm fed up with everyone being so PC to the point that you don't know who you are going to offend.
Now I will never ever call a black person the "N" word and I won't call a person of asian back ground a "chink" or other such word, that is demeaning. but I am so tired of using African American or Asian American unless it's on a form that one has to fill out.
Damn it your either white, black, chinese, indian or something but quit being so PC--there is an exception--you do have to say Native American for Indian because we do have people from India who are also called Indian. Now how is that for samatics problems. But I would prefer if they said I'm Comanche or Navaho or something like that.
That's like saying "Oh well my family is from England, France, Italy" it helps.
O.K so what is this all about---why am I doing a Blog site---That's simple---"Freedom of Speech" that's what. I can remenice about my childhood without boring someone, I can let off steam without making someone mad (unless you read my post) or I can rant and rant and rant and get it off my ample chest without having a stroke.
Because where I work I have to get along with a lot of people and most of them are IDOIT'S!!!
And it doesn't matter what age they are, they are IDiot's, fools, simple minded sheep following the Judas goat to what ever peridition is waiting for them. (Espeically if you vote for Kerry)
And when I caution them they look at me as if I'M THE STUPID one, then later they come back and say "why did we do that?" and I say because "You're too stupid to listen to common sense and to an old person who has seen this all before" and then they hate me even more. So what--up their's--in this life nobody but nobody gets out alive.
When I play pool or poker I go for the throat, that's why I call myself "Mean Kitty" it's a nickname that been given me and I'm damn proud of it.
So let me rant--it will save my sanity. And if you don't like what you read--well don't read it.
I didn't force you to come here. You came because of curiosity. And remember what it did to the Cat.
Oh and I most likely will not allow comments on my posts--because I don't care what you think. I'm tired of caring what people think!! I'm letting hang out there---the good, the bad and the very ugly.
My topics will go almost anywhere, I may say hateful things. It's not you personnally I'm talking about; it's about the general condition of life that I hate.
I may also say good things too, like the fact that my man can make the best cuppa coffee I've ever tasted. Or something very speical happened that for a brief time gives me hope about the world.
But let me rant, let me rave, let me be angry so I can be sweet. That's all I ask.