You know Folks,
I really shouldn't write and post a Blog when it's late at night and I'm tired from a Hard Days' Work. Which is more than what Perata does.
But I'm going to do it anyway---I talked to a Buddy of mine that went to the Gun By-Back Program over in Oakland on 85th street at it was at a church. (And God Bless the Churches)
Sheeesh! My Buddy (who looks like Chuck Norris gone to seed) said he couldn't even get near the place there were so many people there----he couldn't even find a parking place, so he pulls up at a corner near the church and talks to some sharp looking guys and asks "Say, Wassup?"
And they showed him the junker guns that they are going to turn in---pieces of K*&% (sorry folks I do have to keep it clean for the kiddies out there) So he says "Hey where's your good pieces?" and they say at home locked up.
But ---are you ready for this Folks?---- They ran out of money to give to the people and instead had to give them vouchers, you just drive up hand the junker gun through your car window and they give you a voucher---The big Question that my Buddy says and so did the sharp looking guys ask---When will they honor the vouchers---because it is everyone's understanding that the money for this program has been all used up!!!
So my Buddy is going to use his gun--which is pretty decent---for part of a trade in at one of the few remaining Sporting Goods stores--for a better piece. The guys with the junkers didn't want vouchers (of course the language they used to discribe their displeasure was more verbally grafic) so they decided to hold on to the junkers for the next buy back program and they plan to get there early.
One of them told my Buddy that he saw one guy get some money and had already gone to a "crack house" to buy some stuff to sell on the street. This program is giving drug dealers money to buy and sell narcotics on the street and the cops are having their time wasted on a program that doesn't work.
So does this program make any sense Folks?? Of course not---and it's our tax dollars that good ol' boy Don Perata is wasting.
And---are you ready for This???---all I can say is be afraid, be very afraid----Don Perata---Mr. Mid-Life Crisis himself --is thinking of running for Mayor of Oakland, CA.
If you thought Former Govenor "Moonbeam" Jerry Brown did Oakland a world of good (Yeah Right) Perata will certainly send Oakland down the Toilet if Delums hasn't done it yet.
Like I said folks----BE AFRAID---BE VERY AFRAID.
This Mean Kitty signing off looking for an old 1950's Bomb Shelter to hide in.