I will be sooooooo glad when Don Perata will be out of office. Guess what Folks, he wants to ban these Big Assult weapons, acting like no one has thought of this before.
Well guess what---it has been and there is a ban in place, but I think Perata didn't get the Memo, so he's just flogging a "dead horse" just to sound good.
The type of weapon he claims he wants to ban is so big it's like a bazooka, you can't really conceal that on your person, and the bullets are very expensive. Like $2.00 per bullet, who has that kind of money----Columbian drug runners? Al Quada? The Taliban? Code Pink?
And he's behind the buying guns to get them off the street---claiming that the program works, well guess what---- and thanks to my sources in some of the police departments--they say-it's a load of crock.
What happens is that people buy junk or broken guns for pennies on the dollar and then takes them in and gets $250.00 a piece. And some of them are druggies with some smarts. Even old Perata turned in a hand gun he bought 15 years ago, and he can't use because he failed the test to get a "concealed Weapons Permit".
Duh!!! It takes brains to pass that test Perata---Are you saying you don't have Brains? Wouldn't be the first time.
The cops know and see what the people are doing but they can't say no, because----are you ready for this---they are turning in a gun---yes---even a gun that hasn't been able to fire since world war I, or with a broken stock, broken firing pins, rusted, missing cyclinders you name it they can't fire it and are considered junkers.
But the cops are required to pay each person $250.00 a piece. Heck turn in 4 broken guns that's $1,000.00 you can buy a lot of crack with that. And I've seen these broken guns for sale at the gun shows, going for $5.00 a piece, they are selling them because maybe someone can use a part off of them. But some people will buy four or five and then have 1,200 dollars to by a really nice piece. What a Joke!!
So Perata claims that over 1,000 guns have been turned in-----that's $250,000.00 a quarter of a million dollars for broken guns-----that's our tax dollars going out to feed at least half of those people's drug habit.
WHAT A WASTE!!! And they don't show you those in pictures, they just show the handful of almost good guns, because maybe they came from wives whose husbands are dead and they don't know how to sell them to get even more money from reputable gun dealers. And I bet some of those widows could really use the money to buy Medicine that's too expensive. But that's just a spit in the bucket in this program.
I will be so glad when Perata is out---then maybe an honest Republican can take over and bring in some real security to this state. And forget the Govenator---he's just a token Republican---or a cookie with filling----you know Republican on the outside---Democrate on the inside.
I'm going to grab my 350 magnum and go shooting on the range and get some of this hostility out of me---maybe.
Mean Kitty signing off with her Claws out.