On the Prowl

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Puppies, Help Animal shelters

Ya know Folks, When Perata is gone, who am I going to kick around----certainly not Beaucephus the dog, she’s too sweet and stupid and loving.

O.K. here’s one that gets me---people “hoarding animals” right now at Marin Animal shelter they have taken in a number of small dogs (and they are cute too) that an elderly couple in Texas where “hoarding”.

Now as I understand it---this elderly couple would find these dogs and instead of taking them to their local shelter would take care of them, themselves. Well that’s understandable----BUT they didn’t get them fixed and we all know what dogs and kitties do when they are not fixed---ya get more puppies. About 800 of them to be exact.

Now the upside is that all the dogs were in reasonable good health but a bit more care was needed to bring them up to full health. They were not starved or anything like that and they were lovingly taken care of as well as the elderly couple could take care of them----BUT---well it was a good thing someone found out and took measures.

So now the Marin Shelter people are working to making the dogs healthy and ready for adoption but they need donations and volunteers. So folks if you got a little extra change, or the time to help out, or the time to love and devote yourself to these little guys, check out the Marin Animal Shelter.

As a matter of fact check out your local Animal Shelter and help them out as well. We can’t save the entire world, but we can save and help a small piece of it.