On the Prowl

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ya Don't own the whole damn Road!

Well Folks

This is in a way a sad story, but I am also mad as well.

The sad part is that a sheriff’s deputy fell asleep at the wheel and veered into a bunch of cyclists coming up a curving hillside road, and two were killed and one was injured.

No one likes to hear about that and I am sad for the people and their families who were killed and injured.

Now with that out of the way----WHY were those idiots Training, yes Training Folks, on a public road???!!! And one with blind curves at that!!

I’ve been on that road several times and the area where those bicyclists were killed is a blind spot, you don’t even have to be falling asleep at the wheel to nearly hit somebody. It’s dangerous to have bicyclists on that road anyway.

And they were in Training??? FOR WHAT!!!! Just to win some gold medals that is just gold plated??? That is nonsense!!

Do you know why bicycles were invented---as a means of self propelled transportation for people who cannot afford a horse, or take a coach or horse drawn trolley in the city. It was also a means for store owners to have young people deliver groceries or medicine or special delivery letters, newspapers or telegrams to people without the extra added expense of the cost of a horse and wagon.

I even remember the ice cream man had a special bicycle that had one wheel in the back and two wheels in the front and a special heavy duty box to hold the dry ice and the ice cream bars and fudgesicles and Popsicles that way the man didn’t have to worry about balancing himself, and he had a lever that could engage and dis-engage the bells that tinkled and sent us kids rushing out of the houses on a hot summer day.

Police officers use to use them to patrol large areas, that couldn’t be covered by walking, and they didn’t have enough patrol cars or the roads were too narrow for a car.

And you certainly didn’t have to be in training for that!!! You got plenty of training just bicycling around.

Then as time and a half went by cops used the car more often, but now the bike patrols are back which is fine.

But what gets me is the Damn bicyclists, they act like they own the whole damn road---Hey guys and gals YA DON’T---GET THAT THROUGH YOUR BIKE HELMIT HEAD YA DON’T OWN THE WHOLE DAMN ROAD!!!!

You are a motor vehicle, without a lot of protection, granted your means of propelling yourself is your two legs BUT you are still classified as a motor vehicle and you have to follow the vehicular laws----Which you IDIOTS DON”T!!!!!

So why do you TRAIN on a public Road???? That does not make sense, but then anything a bicyclist does or a “greenie” does never makes sense---I guess it’s all that ‘healthy organic veggan” eating that they do. It makes them STUPID!!!!

I don’t know about the sheriffs deputy but I think his career is over and he is going to have to live with his mistake----Now THAT is the guy I really feel sorry for.

Mean Kitty grumbling at stupid Veggans signing off.